LUCK HAPPENS: THE LAUNCH OF FENG SHUI & CHARLOTTE NIGHTINGALE – a guest blog by Samantha Verant, author of Seven Letters from Paris

First, a confession: I’ve known Pam Ferderbar for well over ten years now. And I’ve been anxiously waiting for FENG SHUI & CHARLOTTE NIGHTINGALE to hit the shelves ever since I read an early draft of the manuscript many moons ago. A few months ago, Pam sent me an advance reader copy, reminding me why I fell in love with the story and Charlotte many moons ago. THIS BOOK IS HILARIOUS, OFF-THE-WALL, and FABULOUS. It’s no surprise New Line Cinema bought the film rights…before the book ever came to market. (We’re all still crossing our fingers they give it the green light…)

Anyhoo, FENG SHUI & CHARLOTTE NIGHTINGALE releases today, people! Today! I’m taking this opportunity to tell you all about it.

Note: This book is not recommended for people who don’t like to laugh.

“Feng Shui and Charlotte Nightingale is a fast-paced, hilarious rom-com of a romp that’s not only laugh-out-loud funny, it touches the heart. I couldn’t help but to root for Charlotte as her luck changes and, once a hot neurotic mess, Charlotte metamorphoses into a woman she is proud to be – thanks in part to a handsome Chinese food deliveryman and some on-the-sly Feng Shui. In her debut novel, Ferderbar has created a lovable and relatable heroine in Charlotte. Add in the cast of wacky characters and smart-as-a-whip wit and Ferderbar’s comedic genius shines. Get ready for a wild ride. Get ready for Charlotte Nightingale.”
Visit Samantha Verant in France. (Or on her website. It’s maybe a little easier.)

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